Thursday, February 26, 2009

Please just be fair...

Lately, I have been observing in a local middle school in a math class. For the three periods I am there, there are three different kinds of classes: grade-level, advanced, and inclusion. After many debates with my friends and family, I have not come to a decision yet on what I think about splitting children up according to their achievement. One day stands out in particular when I was observing the math teacher and she was teaching her students about area. For example, for the grade-level class, she taught them about the area for a square, rectangle, and triangle and did a sufficient amount of practice problems. For the advanced class, she did all of the above and added area for irregular shapes and included an extra worksheet for more practice. For the inclusion class, the teacher talked about the area of a square, and barely was introduced to the area of a rectangle. They completed one practice problem in class. Which class even had the opportunity to learn more? I believe some of the students are being left out on part of their education just because they were put in a specific class. Some of the students in the inclusion class are just there for support for the students with disabilities. Are they receiving a fair education? I do not like to put it this way, but it seems like the smart students are getting smarter and the other students are staying the same or falling back. I just do not believe it is fair. After helping many of the inclusion students, they understand math problems just the same as the students in the grade-level or advanced classes. Also, these students are branded as being dumber because of what class they are in. I believe it is just horrible. I do not know if it would work, but if all classes were mixed, then I believe the inclusion students would learn so much more from the students around them. This is a hopeful situation but I am not sure how it would play out. I just do not think the way they have the classes split up is fair to some students.

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