Friday, March 20, 2009

Graduate School or not?

Should teachers, as soon as they graduate from their prestigious institution, go back to school for their master's degree right away, wait a few years and then go back, or do not strive for it at all? Or should you go for your master's while you are teaching? This is the particular delimma I am facing. There are so many different possiblities that I am having trouble deciding what I should do! From many professors I have definitely heard both sides of the coin on whether to wait or go for your master's right away. Every teacher definitely seems to have a very strong opinion concerning timelyness of graduate school. Here are the opinions I have weighed:

- Immediately go get my Master's:
- I would be more educated and more specialized to benefit my students.
- Higher pay scale
- Less likely to aquire a job during this hard economy.

- Teach for a few years and then go back:
-I would experience that might be helpful during grad school.
- Since I would be used to the steady income with teaching, it might be hard to give that up
and go back to school.
- I believe I would have a better chance of being hired back with experience than without.

- Master's while teaching:
- It would take longer to achieve master's.
- Challenging when first time teacher.

One professor made the point of saying "not too many school systems want to pay $6,000 more a year for a teacher who does not have any experience." I can see his point. Also, I do believe teaching experience would help when having success in graduate school. But on the other hand, I believe I would like to finish school completely and then start teaching. This is the particular delimma that has been troubling me for many months. Any suggestions would be very helpful! Thanks!

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