Friday, April 10, 2009

Is Elearning the way of the future?

I have had the opportunity of taking Elearning classes in the past during the summers in between Spring and Fall classes at Auburn. It was definitely a good experience because I did not have to go to class, I could choose my own study times, I had flexibility on when I completed my assignments, I could balance working and taking a class, and transferring credits was extremely easy. When I saw the word e-learning, I only thought about college classes. Now, I understand that even students in elementary and middle school can take Elearning classes. Somehow that baffles me because I can foresee troubles with students not having enough discipline to complete assignments on their own time and keeping up with homework. It was even hard for me to keep it all straight. I had to train myself to schedule time to complete all of my assignments for class. It was hard for me to do all of the work without having someone to remind me to do it. For students, teachers can remind their students five times about an assignment and sometimes it still does not get completed. Do not get me wrong, I love that Elearning is being offered to students below the college level. For some students who need advanced classes and they are not offered at their school, I believe it is wonderful! I am so glad someone came up with the idea that students can have a way to challenge themselves even if it is not at their particular school. Without having the hassle of changing schools, these students are offered a way to better themselves with disturbance. I believe these classes are teaching students discipline and I think more should be offered. What do you think about Elearning? Is it going to take the place of schools some day?

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