Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Want Recess!

After talking to my little sister who attends Wrights Mill Road in 5th grade, I found out that 5th grade does not have recess any more. I could not believe it! Students need more rest during the day than just 30 minutes during PE and lunch. They need time to be children. I believe you can not expect a child to pay attention in class for long amounts of time if they do not have an outlet during the day to burn off their energy. About a year ago, I heard about an experiment a fifth grade teacher did where she gave her students two short recess times a day. Compared to the other fifth grade classrooms, her students were immeasurably more focused when they were in the classroom compared to the classrooms that did not have recess. She said her students deserved time to rest their minds after they had focused so intently in class. I completely agree with this teacher because I know I can not concentrate from 7:30 to 2:15 without a break either! Our minds are not made to run for that long on high. The reason my little sister said they don't have recess anymore is because they have too much to learn in one day and do not have any extra time to waste.. or that is what her teacher said. I have spoken with her teacher and know she is a wonderful woman as well as educator, but I am going to have to say that she is doing a disservice to her students. I believe if her teacher would let her students rest some during the day, then they would learn just as much or ever more as when they were in the classroom for the entire day. Let me know what you think.

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