Monday, January 26, 2009

the little "c" within the circle

Lately, I have been reading up on Copyright guidelines particularly for schools and teachers. It has gotten me extremely paranoid! There are so many things you can not copy or show to your class because of copyright. Before I started reading this book, I did not really pay much attention to the little "c" within the circle. It was just something that was always there. Well, let me tell you, that little "c" can cost your school or district a lot of money if someone notices you not noticing it. Example #1: If I went to the teacher workroom and copied a sheet out of a workbook for my students, it is illegal. The problem here is distribution. You are not supposed to distribute copies of a copyrighted material. Example #2: One day I want to show my students a movie for good behavior...illegal. You cannot show a movie in a public place. You can show in your own home with your family but not with others. Example #3: One day, I was looking at my bulletin board and decided it looked a little sparce. So, I went on a website and pulled up an image and printed it out. I then proceded to blow it up on the projector so I could actually get an image big enough to fit on my bulletin board. You guessed it... illegal. And finally the problem is adaptation of a copyrighted material. There are so many guidelines that you have to go by to keep up with copyright. What you are supposed to do, if you would like to copy something out of a book or anything, is contact the copyright holder and ask for permission. Can you imagine asking permission for all of the things teachers copy in a day? I know I can't!

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